Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oh, Please, Do Come In

Baby it's cold outside.  Well, we're getting there.  We are starting to "winterize" the porch which really means we are displacing the neighbors' cats and moving everything into a "sculptural" pile.  We don't bother covering the furniture... the snow will do that.  Now, we can cozy up inside.  Take off your shoes.

The last of the impatiens and the last of Halloween.  Our little garden treasures will spend winter in a corner of the porch.  The vintage blue chair stays put (the rustier, the better) and, unless someone does some raking, so do the leaves.  

Blue pitcher comes off the porch and back inside.

Inside Colleen's foyer.  Playing with a covering for her narrow windows, she pins strips of vintage velvets and damask to an existing shade, with the idea that the seamstress fairy will come down and sew it all together.  She waits.

"When it's all done..." (famous last words) "I want the sides of the shade to show the frayed fabric and selvage edges.  To me, that adds to a tarnished elegance already going on in the house."

Ah, the glass lamp, it follows us everywhere.  A rich deep yellow color capped with black metal is the pop you might need.  This would look great with a black fabric shade in the kitchen... or the foyer, we love it!  

Can someone sew up the curtains?

To purchase our coveted yellow lamp and blue songbird pitcher visit us on Etsy.  Just click the links - or

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