Our porches are next on the list after a winter of staring at the dining room walls...paint them Bruised Plum or Chinese Lantern Red? Ideas we have toyed with inside, now spill outside. Lots of leftovers from last year's porch season are staring us in the face.

Where do we begin? Our mantra is “all colors go together.” And it appears, as we look around our homes, we seem to take ourselves seriously. Now on the porch we quickly inventory the collection of furniture castoffs and determine what stays , what goes, what chairs the neighborhood cats have made their own.

And then we paint. We are pretty lazy and spray paint is a fast, instant gratification way to pull a porch look together when dealing with an eclectic mix of pieces. Also, textiles gathered from throughout the house. Old tablecloths, shams, curtains, throws, comforters and, in one case, a vintage sleeping bag which also doubles as a Christmas tree skirt are used as various coverings, strengthening the color palette, bringing in pattern, and adding a level of comfort. And pillows. Lots of pillows. (These are last year's pillows, getting a last airing before being retired.)
Like what you see? Buy this painting and more directly from Etsy.com http://www.etsy.com/listing/59705166/vintage-painting-kitchen-flowers

Okay, we're getting started. Our furniture, freshened with paint, is for the most part from yard sales, from the curb, and the dumpster...yes, we are guilty of drive-by trash-picking!

For us a porch, like summer, has few restrictions. A lot of favorite things are used, but nothing is precious. It is all temporary, and, so, our style is relaxed, colors brighter, detail whimsical and unexpected. This is just the beginning...like the ferns in the garden, our porch is just starting to unfurl.

The garden is beginning to emerge. The Fiddlehead ferns are taking over and we can’t sit still. Our porches will keep evolving throughout the summer.
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